Chapter 1

First blog post!

Okay, so I made this blog after being inspired by Eriror's Stash of Videos where he puts up all his new videos onto his blog, and Tek's News Show that he has just recently started.  This is going to be somewhat of a mix of the a way.  I'll be putting up whatever new videos I film here, and perhaps the collab if that video was used in it.  But at the same time, I might get the urge to rant about something. It could be good or bad, about my life or UPSB, or I dunno, anything else.  Those rants'll go here too.. and I guess updates on what's going on UPSB too.  If Tek misses something or doesn't go into enough detail or I disagree with his opinion on something, I might go on that and talk about that here.  But I haven't really figured all that out yet; I'll make use of this blog whenever I can and I hope you guys keep up with it.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Unknown said...

u should maybe think of doing it like psws with multiple contributors

JC said...

psws? what is that?

Anonymous Friend said...

He's talking about taichi1082 and product's blog,


JC said...

ooh, interesting idea, but this is going to be a bit more personal and not entirely PS related... so i don't think i'm going to do that ^^"

and lol zaki, thanks =]

Shadow said...

like me! :D

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