Busy Busy

So it's April, aka Hell Month for Asian American students at BC.  Especially with all the classes that I'm taking, there's a lot of final exam preparation on top of all the Asian community things I need to take care of and/or be a part of. 

There's elections going on for the next week or so that will decide who's going to be on next year's E-Board (Executive Board) for each culture club/organization.  For all AHANA students, this is gonna be a really tough, competitive month.  AHANA stands for African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American.

As for myself, I'm running for CSA (Chinese Student Association) E-Board, and going for the AHANA Caucus Representative position.  This position is what connects CSA with all the other AHANA clubs, so as to not have all the clubs be divided by race, by having weekly meetings and seeing what all the other clubs are up to and to try and encourage each person's own club's members to go to them.

Unfortunately for me, this year has some really competitive freshmen who're all very enthusiastic about getting e-board positions like me...and the AHANA caucus rep seems to be a popular one.  I went to KSA (Korean) elections last night to try and get a feel for how things are gonna work on Sunday when I have to give my speech and do Q&A...and the atmosphere was pretty tense.  People are intense when it comes to elections, and there's hardly any joking around.  People are so serious about it that last year, this one girl ran unopposed for a position and still lost cause she didn't get a 2/3 vote.  I mean... this is the first time I've heard of someone running unopposed lose. 

I still have to write up my speech....I haven't written one of those in ages. 
Hopefully though, I'll get the position with the realization that doing so much work to get the position now is all an effort to get the chance to do even more work next year. 

Friday, April 9, 2010

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